The Audacity Channel
Launched on December 27, 2022, the Audacity Channel podcast is an extension of The Audacity Bootcamp online school and the Learn Audacity website, and is a resource for podcasters, podcast editors, podcast producers, and ACX audiobook creators who use Audacity as their software of choice when creating spoken word recordings. We explore how to use Audacity to create exceptional audio for podcasts and ACX audiobooks.
The Audacity Channel
How To Use The Audacity De-Clicker Plugin
Mike Adams
Episode 9
There is a de-clicker plugin available on the Audacity website that can be downloaded and installed in your version of Audacity. The de-clicker is useful for removing unwanted mouth sounds and other unwanted clicks in your audio. Here's a link to the de-clicker. You'll see it about halfway down the page, on the left side. https://forum.audacityteam.org/viewtopic.php?p=245549#p245549
If you need help installing it or if you want to see how to install a Nyquist plugin in Audacity, this short video of mine can help.
Other Places You'll Find Me:
- The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses:
- The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel
- The Learn Audacity Homepage
- The Audacity Channel on YouTube