The Audacity Channel

The Ongoing Relevance of Audacity Fundamentals

Mike Adams Episode 11

In this episode I want to talk about the importance of knowing Audacity fundamentals. Even though we now have the ability to use realtime non-destructive tools in Audacity, knowing the fundamentals and how to get around in Audacity, as well as knowing when and how to use some of the pre-packaged effects remains relevant. This is why I still teach the fundamentals in my online Audacity courses, in addition to the more recent, realtime capabilities. I'm a fan of both!

You'll find the iZotope sale I mentioned in this episode at:

Other Places You'll Find Me:

  1. The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses:
  2. The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel
  3. The Learn Audacity Homepage
  4. The Audacity Channel on YouTube
  5. Facebook

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