The Audacity Channel

Important Announcement

Mike Adams Episode 26

I've been presented with a couple of business opportunities that I'm going to take advantage of. That means that I'm going to have to channel my audio and video resources and skills elsewhere for a time. To clear off my plate a little, some things have to be rearranged. So I'm putting The Audacity Channel podcast on hiatus for the time being. It will still be here - I'm not taking it down - and I may drop a new episode from time-to-time. We'll see what the future holds.

Thanks to everyone who follows this podcast. I appreciate you all.

Other Places You'll Find Me:

  1. The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses:
  2. The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel
  3. The Learn Audacity Homepage
  4. The Audacity Channel on YouTube
  5. Facebook

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